Historical Replica Guns & Swords UK
On our website we have an extensive collection of Historical Replica Guns, Swords & Collectables. The site is organised into sections so it's possible to browse by 'Collection' as well as 'Product Types'.
Brown Bess Musket Replica
Click this Link for: Brown Bess Musket Replica
Samurai Sword & Dagger Set
Click this Link for: Samurai Sword & Dagger Set
Replica Flintlock Dueling Pistols Set
Click this Link for: Replica Flintlock Dueling Pistols Set
Last Samurai Sword
Click this Link for: Last Samurai Sword
Viking Broadsword Replica
Click this Link for: Viking Broadsword Replica
People have made use of weapons in combat, to hunt, as well as breaking & maintaining the law throughout history.
In addition weapons & replicas have featured in sports, collections, displays, & the arts.
Thousands of years of discoveries & technical innovations have driven the development of weapons adopting new materials, mechanisms, & technologies to produce & use them. This has in turn driven changes in the theatres of combat & means of defence.
The first weapons were fashioned from the natural raw materials people found around them & underground.
Over time materials such as copper began to be used in early civilisations throughout Asia Minor, the Eastern Mediterranean, Indus & China. While the copper weapons were easily sharpened they were also easily blunted.
These early weapons included spears, maces, slings & the bow & arrow. Eventually cotter & tin were combined into an alloy to create bronze.
The various civilisations such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Ancient Greek, Macedonians & Romans all developed their own versions of various weapons along with techniques for using them.
The later middle ages saw the Norman knights achieving success in Briton using archers & sword wielding cavalry in chainmail up against the Saxon shield wall.
Crossbows became an increasingly powerful weapon of choice for the infantry in European armies alongside double edged being used by knights on horseback & on foot.
Towards the end of the medieval period the power & rate of fire of the longbow allowed the English to become increasingly significant in Europe at that time. While the longbow was a relatively unsophisticated it included key design features that improved its performance in significant ways.
Cavalry were increasingly used to charge through the enemy lines to beak them up & create confusion. A combination of lances swords, axes or war hammers where used by the cavalry in this role.
The development of weapons using gunpowder spreading from China represented a significant step change in weaponry. Early relatively unreliable guns were also time-consuming to load but improved over time.
Cannons first appeared in China & where used along the Great Wall of China to repel the invasion of the Mongol invaders.
The inventions of the flintlock & cartridge increased reliability & ease of use with rifling increasing accuracy. The bayonet being attached to muskets allowed infantry to use their firearms in close combat.
Automatically repeating, breech-loading, revolver & sniper firearms included those that were progressively developed.
The arrival of twentieth century heralded an increased pace of innovation planes, tanks & other new types of weapons entered the battlefield culminating in the detonation of the first atomic weapons.
In the twenty first century extended weapons have included those increasingly incorporating information technology and smart materials.